L-inking . un-translating mySelf – recoiling – s-inking – re.trans-lating – re.lating – dripping – swirling brushes – breathing – notcaring – noncaring – caring – meditating – forgetting – storytelling – retranslating – renaming – myself – rephrasing – rewording – nottranslating – le mie scelte linguistiche? . should hope not . spero non gli disturbi . a uno che conosco . a cui non piace l’inglese, l’uso di . too much paranoia – para-noia – troppe menate, le mie – [troppe certezze, le sue] . troppo peso alle proiezioni – projectingme – unprojectingme – project (piece of work, calculate, throw, make an image, stick out) . mah . fa niente . nada . means hope . listening .
Out of place.
And out of space.
Just a puzzling piece in life’s puzzle.
I’m writing my own stories again. Sto di nuovo scrivendo le mie storie. Ponovno pisem moje vlastite price.
Music choice is nearly random – the cd was just there. La scelta musicale e` quasi a caso, il cd era li`. Danas mi ova pjesma zvuci kao ZBT. Izbor muzike skoro slucajan. CD je jednostavno bio tamo.
Tusiram. Inking. Sto inchiostrando. Nel qui ed ora. Here and now, however, I am inking.
[Went Beyond my APaz experience. Way Beyond. Will explain. Later.
I, respectfully, am now out of a tunnel, yet another transformation.
But the river(s) still flow(s) and I do continue to listen.]
[Sono uscita dallo strippo di APaz.
Via da un’atro tunnel, l’ennesima trasformazione.
Anche se il fiume continua a scorrere, e io continuo ad ascoltare.]
For the sequence click "Continua". Za sekvencu click "Continua". Per la sequenza "Continua".
[ j u s t a m b i e n t ]
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